Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Best Date of My Life

Yesterday, I had he best date of my life. This person was funny, considerate, witty, and just pretty great in general.

Went out to Best Buy to hang around and try to find a movie to buy to watch (no luck on that front, but fun nonetheless), then to the bookstore to mull around to find books to read, then to the grocery store, and then back to my place to hang out with the dog and made dinner and watched TV on the couch most of the night.

The person I went on this date with?

That's right, I spent the day with me, myself, and I.

I've been taking the advice of a dear friend and taking time to myself to just be alone and enjoy my own company. It's different than going out to run errands or have something predetermined...it's a spontaneous decision to "go out" with myself.

I've already gone to movies alone...or go to a sit down place to eat alone...but my thought process throughout those events have been "I'm eating/watching a movie/whatever...alone". I took a different approach to how I did this.

I got completely ready: picked out a cute outfit, did my hair and makeup, and whatever else I would normally do to prepare for a night out. I wanted to go into this like I would if I were to go out on a date with someone.

It was a great day/night. I had it in my head while I was out doing these random things (which weren't really errands because I didn't have to do them) that I wasn't alone. When I got back to my place, I prepared a steak dinner complete with sides...something I would serve to someone else. And then I watched movies and TV shows that I would normally watch with someone else.

It sounds weird to some people, but I'll be taking myself out on dates more often. There's just something completely satisfying about enjoying your own company, feeling completely comfortable with someone (especially when it's yourself), and having a good time without relying on someone else to do anything to contribute to that good time...everything that most people would want from a good date.

I'm definitely not saying that I'm giving up on dating, obviously. I'm normally my own worst critic, but last night I let all of that go and just enjoyed what the day had to bring.

And sometimes, that's all someone needs: to be around someone who loves them more than anything. And I know that the only person in my life that I can trust to do that is myself.

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